What a pleasant Sunday surprise. Also how random is it that our mums have the same birthday.

I was recently reminded of the shortness of life when a friends brother passed recently at the tender age of 29. I'm no longer much of a future girl. I'm truly more of a now person. I'm trying to do my best that when I leave, there's nothing left. Trying to do everything and see everything and let my loved ones know exactly how much I love them. It's all we can do really and I wish more people were more conscious of how much time we simply do not have.

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Love this, Chioma. That is funny about our moms having the same birthday. I think you're on to something with this philosophy. I just finished reading Die With Zero by Bill Perkins and his philosophy is pretty much exactly along these lines... live while you're able to. Travel, spend time with friends and loved ones, and don't defer your happiness or enjoyment to some theoretical future that may never come. I think I need to do more of this. Thanks for your thoughtful note and I appreciate you reading as always! - Greg

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